10 reasons the American Revolution was inevitable

In the early days of the American Revolution, many leaders, both in Britain and the colonies, had hoped that reconciliation between the colonies and Great Britain could be reached through negotiations. But as time passed and negotiations proved unsuccessful, support for rebellion among colonists grew.

One common theme ran throughout much of colonial correspondence at the time – the inevitability of rebellion. Why did people believe that a revolution was inevitable? Let’s take a look at 10 reasons why the American Revolution was inevitable.

The American colonies were becoming more independent

Several events had a major impact on the independence movement in the Thirteen Colonies. The first was the French and Indian War (1754-1763), which saw Britain take control of French territories in North America. This included the huge colony of New France (Quebec) as well as minor control of New York, Nova Scotia and Florida.

At the same time, the Spanish Empire in Florida was also ceded to Britain. With these new territories in North America and the West Indies, British merchants had a very large and lucrative trading network to the Mediterranean, Europe and Asia.

Americans resented high taxes

In the late 1600s, the British government imposed taxes on the colonies. Colonists were taxed at a rate of between 12 and 15% on any goods they imported. After the French and Indian War and the taxes that went with it, the British government imposed a Stamp Act in 1765 in an attempt to generate revenue.

This was very unpopular in the colonies because colonists didn’t want to be taxed without representation. The Stamp Act Congress met and passed a resolution to boycott British goods. Many merchants responded by refusing to accept stamps for their goods.

Americans were frustrated by British control of the seas and communications networks

The first conflict between Britain and the colonies was the French and Indian War. This conflict saw Britain gain control of much of French territory in North America. Britain also controlled the seas in the West Indies. This gave them control of the shortest route to the prosperous Spanish markets in Latin America and the richest trade routes in the world.

Leaders in the colonies believed they should self-govern

American leaders began to argue that they should manage their affairs without any interference from Britain. At the same time, they argued that Britain should not interfere with American trade with other countries.

Non-importation agreements had been passed in many colonies. Colonists didn’t want to pay taxes without representation.

Many colonists had already passed non-importation agreements. These agreements were agreements not to buy British goods in protest of British taxes. Colonists also agreed to not pay taxes, including import duties.

The thought of taxation without representation was unthinkable to many colonists.

Colonists were also used to refusing taxes. Under the Articles of Confederation, they refused to pay any federal tax unless representation was given to them in Congress. After that, they refused to pay any tax except for a fairly small excise on distilled spirits.

The colonies felt even less like paying taxes after the British imposed a series of new taxes on them from 1764 onward, which would ultimately lead to the Continental Congress banning any further importation of British goods after December 1775.

Separation from Britain seemed inevitable no matter what happened at negotiations

Many people believed that the British government would never agree to give up control of the colonies. These people believed that the colonies were destined to break away from Britain and form an independent republic.

People believed that if the colonies remained under British rule there would be another uprising as soon as restrictions were lifted or repealed.

Many people hoped for a peaceful separation that would not cause a civil war. Many people hoped that the British government would make some concessions to the colonies and allow them to govern themselves. This would solve the problem without the need for separation. Many people believed that the only way for the colonies to survive was to become independent republics.

Belief in an American empire ran deep among many colonists

Many colonists believed that the United States should become a great imperial power. The United States would expand into the West, take control of the Mississippi River, and perhaps even take control of Canada.