10 Surprising Facts About George Washington

George Washington was one of the most prominent figures in American history. He was the first president of the United States, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and a leading political figure in his era.

Before he became the nation’s first president, however, George Washington had quite an ordinary life. Below are some facts you may not have known about this great man…

1) He didn’t want to be a soldier

George Washington was one of the most prominent figures in American history. He was the first president of the United States, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and a leading political figure in his era. Before he became the nation’s first president, however, George Washington had quite an ordinary life.

Below are some facts you may not have known about this great man. He didn’t want to be a soldier George Washington was one of the most prominent figures in American history. He was the first president of the United States, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and a leading political figure in his era.

Before he became the nation’s first president, however, George Washington had quite an ordinary life. Below are some facts you may not have known about this great man. He wasn’t religious George Washington was one of the most prominent figures in American history. He was the first president of the United States, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and a leading political figure in his era.

Before he became the nation’s first president, however, George Washington had quite an ordinary life. Below are some facts you may not have known about this great man. He wasn’t religious George Washington was one of the most prominent figures in American history.

He was the first president of the United States, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and a leading political figure in his era. Before he became the nation’s first president, however, George Washington had quite an ordinary life. Below are some facts you may not have known about this great man.

He rarely drank alcohol George Washington was one of the most prominent figures in American history. He was the first president of the United States, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and a leading political figure in his era. Before he became the nation’s first president, however, George Washington had quite an ordinary life.

Below are some facts you may not have known about this great man. He rarely drank alcohol George Washington was one of the most prominent figures in American history. He was the first president of United Washington & His Amazing Journey To The Presidency

2) He built his first boat as a child

We have discussed the importance of building skills early in the article. But perhaps George Washington was one of the first presidents to be a boat builder. At the age of 10, Washington built his first boat with materials from his father’s lumberyard.

He continued building boats, making a living out of it and selling them throughout his life. Later on, he even published a book on the topic. Washington also built his first sailing ship at the age of 13. He was a great sailor and a competent seaman.

3) He liked to read and had a large library

We have discussed the importance of building skills early in the article. But perhaps George Washington was one of the first presidents to be a boat builder. At the age of 10, Washington built his first boat with materials from his father’s lumberyard.

He continued building boats, making a living out of it and selling them throughout his life. Later on, he even published a book on the topic. Washington also built his first sailing ship at the age of 13. He was a great sailor and a competent seaman.

4) In his youth, he went by the nickname “Colo”

Washington’s full name was George Washington Parke Custis. Custis is a variation of the name created in honor of an aristocratic ancestress. During the Revolutionary War, Washington changed his name to Col. George Washington Parke Custis. This was a common practice during the time. Many soldiers changed their names for this purpose.

5) He was considered too fat almost all of his life

From the time he was in his late teens, Washington had a reputation for being a little too heavy. When he was 40, he had to pull his pant legs to show that they were sagging. This was a sign of a man who was more than overweight.

6) Did you know? The longest-serving president in U.S. history is also the only one whose last name is not Clinton or Bush. That’s right; it’s Obama

The longest-serving president in U.S. history is also the only one whose last name is not Clinton or Bush. That’s right; it’s Obama, who left office in 2016 after two terms.

Obama was also the first African-American president and the first president elected in over a decade. Even though he was not the longest-serving president, he was the first of the two presidents we are discussing in this article.

7) He was a model for Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a close friend of George Washington. Jefferson modeled his Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom after Washington’s law. The Statute protected the rights of all people to worship as they choose, regardless of their beliefs. Washington was a religious man and protected these rights for all people.

8) He liked to study military tactics

During the Revolutionary War, George Washington was known for studying the best military tactics. He wanted to know everything that the battles meant, so he kept a journal of the war.

9) He was a lot like The Constitution

Like the Constitution, George Washington was a man of strong principles. He set an example for all the men in the Revolutionary War by living a simple life and being a man of great integrity.

He was a model for all the men who served under him. The men in the Revolution were not just soldiers; they were also farmers and businessmen. They had to be responsible people, who were also honest and trustworthy.

10) He was a model for his country

George Washington was a model for his country. During the Revolutionary War, he was a good leader and a great leader. He was also a humble man who treated all people with respect.