Another Bold Stance Against Border Crisis, You’ll Never Guess Who

EAGLE PASS, Texas – In a powerful move to secure our nation’s border, Republican presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis presented a comprehensive border security plan during a high-profile event in Texas. His strong stance against illegal immigration and determination to fight drug cartels received resounding support from passionate Republican voters.

DeSantis declared, “On Jan. 20, 2025, we will be on a mission to stop the invasion at our southern border, fight the drug cartels poisoning our citizenry, build the border wall, and restore the sovereignty of our great nation. We are done with empty promises and catchy slogans. It’s time for action, no more excuses. We will get the job done.”

Emphasizing the urgent need to regain control of our own territory, DeSantis passionately criticized the Biden administration’s neglect and intentional failures at the border. He condemned the fact that Mexican drug cartels currently control our border, labeling it a disgrace and a horrific situation.

If elected as President, DeSantis promised to declare the crisis at the southern border a national emergency on his first day in office. His unwavering commitment to securing the border includes building the wall, holding drug cartels accountable, and collaborating with states to enforce the law.

DeSantis stated, “We must restore the rule of law in this country. If the federal government won’t fulfill its responsibilities, the states should be allowed to take action and send people back.”

Illegal immigration and border security have long been pressing concerns for Republican voters, who have expressed deep disappointment with the Biden administration’s approach. The surge in border crossings by migrants has only intensified these concerns, and DeSantis is poised to make combating illegal immigration a top priority.

During his tenure as Florida Governor, DeSantis has already taken significant steps to address the issue. He signed an impactful anti-illegal immigration bill that mandates the use of E-Verify by employers, strengthens penalties for human and drug smuggling, and prohibits local jurisdictions from providing IDs to illegal immigrants.

DeSantis also implemented an innovative program to relocate illegal immigrants, sending them to states like Massachusetts and California. This program received a $24 million funding boost, demonstrating his commitment to finding practical solutions.

Moreover, DeSantis responded to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s request for assistance by deploying law enforcement personnel, including National Guard troops, drones, and other resources to the border.

The governor’s policy proposals, announced against the backdrop of the Rio Grande, resonate with Republican voters who are eager for decisive action. The event in Eagle Pass, Texas, an area heavily impacted by migrant traffic, underscored the urgency of the border crisis, with over 204,000 encounters in May alone.

DeSantis outlined specific measures in his plan, including ending catch-and-release policies. Under his administration, those who cross the border illegally will be detained until their hearing date. He also vowed to reimpose the Remain in Mexico policy, ensuring that individuals claiming asylum at port entries will not enter the United States while their claims are processed.

While DeSantis is currently trailing former President Donald Trump in the GOP presidential nomination polls, his commitment to securing the border and addressing this pressing issue has garnered significant support. DeSantis intends to fulfill what leaders from both parties have failed to accomplish for decades – to take concrete action to stop the invasion and protect our nation.

In his own words, DeSantis declared, “As president, I will declare a national emergency on day one and will not rest until we build the wall, shut down illegal entry, and win the war against drug cartels. No excuses. We will get it done.”

Source Fox News