Another bombshell dropped: The hidden truth revealed…

President Biden’s repeated denials about discussing business dealings with his son, Hunter, are starting to crumble in the face of mounting evidence. Recent testimony from IRS whistleblowers reveals that Justice Department, FBI, and IRS officials interfered with the investigation into Hunter Biden, suggesting that politics played a role in the decision-making process.

One of the whistleblowers, IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, disclosed that Hunter Biden used his father’s influence to pressure a Chinese business partner during their discussions. Shapley oversaw the IRS probe into Hunter Biden and presented a WhatsApp message from July 2017, where Hunter mentioned being with his father and urged the partner to fulfill their commitment.

The message read, “I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.”

Furthermore, Hunter Biden’s alleged voicemail from President Biden in 2018 adds more weight to these revelations. In the voicemail, Biden congratulates his son on an article that would be published by The New York Times and assures him that he is in the clear.

This article detailed a meeting between Hunter and the chairman of a now-defunct Chinese energy company in Miami. President Biden and his White House communication staff have consistently denied any discussion about Hunter’s business dealings, but the evidence suggests otherwise.

Let’s take a look at the timeline of denials:

August 2019: Biden claims he never discussed his son’s business and emphasizes the strict separation between personal and government matters.
September 2019: Biden tells Fox News that he has never spoken to his son about overseas business dealings.
September 2020: During a presidential debate, Biden forcefully denies the truth of several foreign transactions involving Hunter, dismissing them as “totally discredited.”
April 2022: When asked about Biden’s statements regarding his son’s business dealings, the White House press secretary refers to records released over a decade ago, avoiding further details.
June 2023: Reporters persistently question the White House about President Biden’s involvement in coercive conversations regarding his son’s business, but responses evade addressing the issue directly.
The recent revelation of WhatsApp messages has brought these denials into question once again. When asked if he lied about discussing Hunter’s business dealings, President Biden responded with a curt “No” before walking away.

As the evidence continues to pile up, it becomes increasingly difficult to accept President Biden’s repeated denials. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their leaders. It is time for the truth to prevail and for those in power to be held accountable for their actions.

Source Fox News