Another Controversial Decision That Could Shake Up the Economy

“In a troubling development, small businesses and manufacturers across the nation are raising their voices in opposition to proposed federal environmental regulations that could spell disaster for the economy.

The regulations, put forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in April, target methylene chloride (MCL), a chemical widely used in various industries, including adhesives, paint, pharmaceuticals, and metal cleaning.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan argues that the risks posed by methylene chloride are too severe to ignore, citing cases of acute poisoning that have resulted in serious health impacts and even death.

The agency’s proposed rule seeks to ban most uses of the chemical and implement stricter workplace controls to protect workers’ health.

However, industry groups, including the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the American Petroleum Institute, and the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA), strongly oppose the regulations, warning of dire consequences for the economy if they are not substantially modified or withdrawn altogether.

The OMA expressed appreciation for the EPA’s intention to restrict methylene chloride from the general public and consumers who may be unaware of the necessary precautions. However, the association argues that the proposed rule goes beyond the EPA’s statutory authority, encroaching on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) jurisdiction over workplace safety.

The OMA insists that commercial and industrial sectors, which are already subject to extensive OSHA regulations, should be exempted from the final rule.

Similarly, the NFIB, representing the largest small business group in the country, asserts that the regulations would have devastating effects on businesses and jobs. The NFIB highlights flaws in the EPA’s determination of health impacts, the lack of viable alternatives to methylene chloride, and the agency’s failure to adequately study the rule’s impact on the national economy.

The group calls on the EPA to withdraw the rule, questioning its conclusion that there would be no impact on the national economy despite estimates of substantial lost revenue.

Testimonies from industry players further emphasize the potential harm caused by the regulations. Charles Paint Research, a Missouri-based formulator of MCL-based chemical products, warns that the rules would severely impact 70% of its products and jeopardize its very existence. Olin, the world’s largest manufacturer of chlorine and chlorine derivatives, criticizes the arbitrary bans on vital industrial uses of MCL while favoring politically preferred industries.

Olin predicts dire consequences for the national economy, increased reliance on China for end products, and diminished competitiveness for American companies.

These concerns demonstrate the far-reaching implications of the proposed regulations on businesses, manufacturers, and the overall economy. It is essential that policymakers carefully consider the potential consequences before finalizing these rules.

While protecting public health is crucial, it must be balanced with the need to foster a thriving economy and maintain American competitiveness on the global stage. The fate of small businesses, manufacturers, and countless jobs hang in the balance.”

Source Fox News