Another Unanswered Allegation, but This Time It’s Different

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has been charged with a gun felony and two misdemeanor counts of tax evasion. However, prominent gun-control Democrats and advocacy groups have been noticeably silent on holding him accountable for his alleged crimes. The plea deal reached by Hunter Biden, which includes probation instead of jail time, is raising concerns among Republicans who see it as a sweetheart deal.

Fox News reached out to several Democrats and gun-control groups for their opinion but received no response. The charges against Hunter Biden are serious, and Republicans believe that justice has not been served. They argue that Hunter Biden’s actions are part of the larger Biden Crime Family and that the focus should be on investigating Joe Biden, the “Big Guy.”


Hunter Biden, the president’s son, has been charged with a gun felony and tax evasion.
Prominent gun-control Democrats and advocacy groups have not commented on Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes.
The plea deal, which recommends probation instead of jail time, is seen as a sweetheart deal by Republicans.
Republicans argue that Hunter Biden’s actions are part of a larger pattern of corruption within the Biden family.
They believe the focus should be on investigating Joe Biden and holding him accountable.


The lack of response from gun-control Democrats and advocacy groups is concerning. It raises questions about their commitment to accountability and whether they are willing to hold their own party members responsible for their actions.

The plea deal for Hunter Biden, which could allow him to avoid jail time, is seen as a clear example of a double standard in the justice system. While ordinary Americans face harsh penalties for similar offenses, it appears that the Biden family is receiving special treatment.

This case is not about Hunter Biden alone; it goes beyond that. It raises serious questions about the integrity of the Biden family and their involvement in corrupt practices.

Republicans are calling for a thorough investigation into Joe Biden’s role and whether he was aware of his son’s activities. It is crucial to hold those in power accountable, regardless of their political affiliations.

As passionate Republican voters, we must demand transparency and equal treatment under the law. The silence from Democrats on this issue is troubling and only strengthens the perception that they are more interested in protecting their own than upholding the principles of justice.

We must continue to push for answers and ensure that no one, regardless of their last name or political connections, is above the law.

Source Fox News