Discover What Shocking Turn This International Saga Has Taken

In a stunning turn of events, a fugitive who claimed to have provided the FBI with explosive information on the Biden family’s business dealings in China is now facing severe charges related to arms trafficking and violations of sanctions involving Iran. Gal Luft, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen, finds himself at the center of a high-stakes legal battle that could have far-reaching implications.

The federal prosecutors in Manhattan have charged Luft with acting as an unregistered agent of China and attempting to broker the sale of Iranian oil in defiance of sanctions. These serious allegations, handed down by a grand jury in 2022 and unsealed just recently, also accuse Luft of recruiting and paying a former high-ranking U.S. government official on behalf of Chinese principals, all without complying with the law’s requirements on foreign agents’ registration.

While the indictment doesn’t explicitly name the former official, it does mention that he was serving as an advisor to then president-elect Donald Trump during the time in question. Luft stands accused of exerting influence over the advisor to shape policies favorable to China, even going so far as to draft comments in the advisor’s name that were published in a Chinese newspaper.

The arrest of Luft occurred earlier this year in Cyprus on U.S. charges. However, he managed to evade custody by fleeing after being released on bail while awaiting extradition. At present, he is not in the United States’ custody.

These revelations come on the heels of The New York Post’s recent release of a 14-minute video featuring Luft, recorded at an undisclosed location. In the video, Luft claims that his arrest in Cyprus was orchestrated to prevent his testimony before the House Oversight Committee, where he intended to expose allegations of bribery involving the Biden family and a source with connections to the Chinese military.

According to Luft, he had provided this crucial information to officials from the FBI and the Department of Justice during a meeting in Brussels back in March 2019. However, it appears that his claims were covered up.

Luft, who is also the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, a renowned Washington, D.C.-based think tank specializing in energy, security, and economic trends, has yet to respond to these charges and allegations.

Prosecutors assert that Luft engaged in brokering deals for Chinese companies to sell weapons to various countries, including Libya, the United Arab Emirates, and Kenya, despite lacking the necessary license as required by U.S. law. Additionally, he stands accused of arranging meetings between Iranian officials and a Chinese energy company to discuss oil deals, all while defying U.S. sanctions.

These are deeply concerning developments that demand our attention. The allegations against Luft, if proven true, shed light on potential corruption and illicit dealings involving the Biden family and their ties to China. It is our duty as engaged citizens to closely follow this case and demand accountability.

Source Fox News