Oops! A Former Republican Representative Joins The Biden Saga

“Former Republican Rep. Denver Riggleman has found his way into the inner circle of Hunter Biden, working closely with the first son’s legal team to conduct digital forensics on the infamous laptop. Riggleman’s involvement has raised eyebrows, especially as Hunter Biden faces mounting investigations from House Republicans.

In a recent tweet, Riggleman stated, “”When I took this job, I wasn’t pro-Hunter or anti-Hunter. I am pro-data and facts. Forensics make clear that considerable information linked to Hunter Biden is questionable.”” His words seem to suggest that there may be more to the laptop data than meets the eye.

However, critics argue that Riggleman’s skepticism is unfounded. They question the validity of his claims, stating that data from the hard drive of the laptop has been verified by multiple news outlets. In fact, an IRS whistleblower revealed that federal investigators knew in December 2019 that the laptop was authentic and contained reliable evidence.

Reports indicate that Riggleman has also been sharing information on House Republicans’ investigation methods with Hunter Biden’s legal team. This revelation has further fueled speculation about the motives behind Riggleman’s involvement.

The laptop in question was allegedly left at a Delaware computer repair shop and later turned over to the FBI in December 2019. Shocking photos recently surfaced online, raising concerns about potential tax crimes. Additionally, emails and text messages found on the laptop have ignited controversies surrounding President Biden’s involvement in his son’s overseas business dealings.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Kevin Morris, has praised Riggleman’s contribution, describing him as an invaluable resource to the legal team. Morris stated, “”Denver has been assisting us with data analysis since late last year. We have made tremendous strides in untangling the massive amount of corruption and disinformation involved in this story. There will be much more coming to the public.””

Adding to the intrigue, Riggleman reportedly spent the Fourth of July at the White House with Hunter Biden’s legal team. This has sparked speculation about the extent of their collaboration and the potential implications it may have.

It is important to note that Riggleman’s involvement comes after his defeat in a Virginia 2020 Republican primary. As an outspoken Trump critic, his connection to the January 6 Committee as an advisor raises concerns among some conservatives.

With new footage emerging of Hunter Biden seemingly smoking crack while driving and pictures showing him speeding at 172 miles per hour in his Porsche, the controversies surrounding the first son continue to grow. Recently, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax and possessing a firearm while being an unlawful user and addict of a controlled substance.

These developments have led to calls for further investigations and even the impeachment of President Biden, as an IRS whistleblower claims intentional federal interference in the case. The implications are significant and cannot be ignored.

In the coming weeks, we can expect more revelations regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop and the potential consequences it may have on the Biden family. As Republicans, it is crucial that we stay informed and hold our elected officials accountable for any wrongdoing.

Source Fox News