Party Loyalty Put To The Test, You’ll Never Guess Who’s Turning Their Back

There is growing concern among Democrats over Senator Dianne Feinstein’s health and ability to continue serving in the Senate. Feinstein has been recovering from shingles for nearly two months, and her absence leaves Democrats without a critical single-vote margin to secure passage of legislation.

Calls for her resignation are growing louder, with some Democrats agreeing that it’s time for Feinstein to step down.

Congressman Ro Khanna of California tweeted that “it is obvious she can no longer fulfill her duties,” while Congressman Dean Phillips of Minnesota called her absence a “dereliction of duty” by Senate Democrats.

However, not all Democrats are on board with calls for Feinstein’s resignation. Senator Chris Murphy has told MSNBC he is “offended” by the calls, saying she has been an incredible public servant for decades and deserves respect and admiration.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has also pushed back, charging that it is sexist to demand the senior Democrat resign while critics remain silent about elder male lawmakers.

Feinstein has asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to temporarily replace her on the Judiciary Committee so that President Joe Biden’s judicial appointments are not held up by her absence.

However, Senate rules require at least 60 votes for such a swap, which could be difficult to secure.

The situation is complex, and it remains to be seen what the ultimate outcome will be. Democrats need to find a way to handle the situation without losing their critical single-vote margin in the Senate.
