Republican Play of the Day: What Do Biden Allies and the CCP Have in Common? Take YOUR Guess Now

A recent report by Fox News Digital has brought to light connections between a company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and a former US Ambassador to China who is a long-time ally of President Joe Biden.

The Max S. Baucus Institute, co-founded by former Ambassador Max Baucus and his wife in 2017, released its annual report last month, listing Chinese company Wanxiang Group as a major corporate sponsor. Wanxiang Group founder, Lu Guanqiu, was posthumously awarded the title of “National Outstanding Communist Party Member” by the CCP in 2021, four years after his death.

The institute currently offers a study abroad program to China, with almost full funding provided by the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), founded by a top CCP official. Republicans have expressed concern about the extent of CCP influence in the US, with some calling for further investigation.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said, “We’ve known for a long time that Biden Inc. is deeply intertwined with the CCP. It is not surprising that those associated with the Bidens, including former Ambassador Baucus, are also involved in potentially shady dealings with Beijing.

We must put an end to the never-ending methods Communist China utilizes to peddle influence in the USA.” Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., echoed these sentiments, stating, “The ties to money with China have always been there, they are a huge source of money.

As these shady business dealings continue to be revealed, the American people must know the extent of Joe ‘Big Guy’ Biden’s involvement and what it means for our national security.”

The Baucus Institute has not responded to requests for information on how much money Wanxiang Group or CUSEF has donated, nor whether it receives funding from the University of Montana.

The institute became a tax-exempt charitable organization in 2022. Baucus has drawn criticism for his views on China, comparing President Trump’s rhetoric to that of Hitler and stating that it is “wrong” to discuss decoupling from China.

While it is concerning that a CCP-tied company is listed as a major sponsor of a US-based institute, it is important to note that many universities and research institutions receive funding from foreign sources, including China.

The issue at hand is not necessarily the funding itself, but rather the potential influence it may have on the research and educational activities of the institution. It is crucial for transparency and ethical considerations to be at the forefront of these relationships.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize the value of cultural exchange programs and study abroad opportunities. The Baucus Institute’s study abroad program may provide valuable experiences and learning opportunities for students, regardless of its funding sources. However, it is also important for students to be aware of the potential biases or agendas of the institutions and organizations they are engaging with.

In conclusion, while the connections between the Baucus Institute and a CCP-tied company are cause for concern, it is important to approach the issue with nuance and a focus on transparency and ethical considerations.

It is important for universities and research institutions to have policies in place to address potential conflicts of interest and maintain integrity in their activities. Cultural exchange and study abroad programs can provide valuable experiences for students, but it is crucial for students to be aware of potential biases and influences.