The Future of Arizona’s Senate Hangs in the Balance, Who Will Rise to the Challenge?

The political world was buzzing with excitement on Wednesday after former Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake, sent out a tweet about former President Donald Trump.

With Trump’s announcement of his intention to run for president again in 2024, speculation has been rampant about who will be his running mate. Lake fueled these rumors when she was seen with Trump at Mar-a-Lago in November and then again this week when she tweeted: “Trump 2024”.

There have also been rumors that Lake is considering a run for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Kyrsten Sinema, who recently declared herself as an Independent, but still caucused with the Democrats. CNN political reporter, Kate Sullivan, tweeted that Lake is considering running for the seat in 2024.

A recent poll showed that if Lake were to run, she would defeat both Sinema and Democrat challenger, Ruben Gallego. According to the poll, Lake polled at 36 percent, well ahead of her two rivals. Gallego came in second with 32 percent, while Sinema trailed far behind with only 14 percent.

Despite her departure from the Democratic Party, Sinema still holds support from both Republicans and Democrats and the poll suggests that her best chance to retain her Senate seat may be for the Republicans to nominate a flawed candidate.

In a guest column for the Arizona Republic, Sinema spoke out against partisanship and its stranglehold on both major parties. She said she will continue to caucus with the Democrats, but slammed the lack of tolerance for diversity of thought and the emphasis on payback against the opposition party over thoughtful legislating.

Sinema expressed that everyday Americans are left behind by the rigid partisanship of national parties and called for leaders to focus on common-sense solutions instead of party doctrine. She declared her independence from the partisan system in Washington and registered as an Arizona independent.

Overall, the political landscape in Arizona is heating up with Lake’s potential run for the U.S. Senate and her association with former President Trump. As the 2024 election approaches, the eyes of the nation will be on the Grand Canyon State to see what happens next.