The Mastermind in Trump’s Arrest Plot, A Scandal You Won’t Believe

President Biden broke a key promise he made to voters during his presidential campaign by giving the green light to a massive oil drilling project on federal land.

The Department of the Interior approved permits for ConocoPhillips’ proposed Willow Project in northern Alaska, which could produce up to 614 million barrels over its lifespan and spew 278 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

This is a significant departure from Biden’s 2020 campaign platform, where he repeatedly pledged to block new oil and gas drilling on federal lands and waters while promising to steer clear of wildlife refuges in Alaska.

Progressives and environmental groups are furious with the decision, and even Democratic lawmakers are criticizing the move.

This decision ignores the irrefutable science that says we must stop building projects like this to slow the ever more devastating impacts of climate change.

It is a blatant betrayal of the promises that Biden made to protect America’s natural treasures and advance environmental justice.
