The Race to Be Trump’s VP: Who Will Be His Pick If He Wins GOP Nomination?

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, former President Donald Trump is reportedly considering several potential running mates. According to reports, he is considering women, conservatives of color, or trusted advisers as potential picks for his vice presidential nominee.

The Washington Examiner recently listed four Republican women who could potentially be on Trump’s shortlist: North Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, New York Representative Elise Stefanik, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and former Arizona journalist Kari Lake.

Sanders, the youngest governor in the United States and longest-serving press secretary in the Trump White House, reportedly moved up the ranks after giving a strong response to President Biden’s State of the Union address on February 7. Noem, who was elected as South Dakota’s first female governor in 2018, has gained attention for her involvement in “culture wars.”

Stefanik, the current chairwoman of the House GOP conference, has shifted to the right since her election in 2015 and is known for her strong ties to Trump. Finally, Lake, a former news anchor, lost her gubernatorial bid against a Democrat in 2022, but won support from Trump supporters for her claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Although not mentioned in the Washington Examiner report, Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s name has also been floated as a potential pick.

According to NBC News, several people have reportedly spoken to Greene, who sees herself on Trump’s shortlist for VP. Greene has been an ally of Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy and has a reputation for being a loyal supporter of Trump. Some analysts believe that Greene’s loyalty could be an important factor in Trump’s decision-making process.

Robert Draper, a writer for The New York Times Magazine, previously stated that Greene had told him she may be on the ticket with Trump in 2024. Draper has also said that Trump values loyalty above all else and that Greene’s loyalty could give her an edge over other potential candidates.

It remains to be seen who Trump will ultimately choose as his running mate for the 2024 presidential election. However, these potential candidates, particularly the Republican women listed by the Washington Examiner, are likely to be closely watched by political analysts and voters alike as the election approaches.