The REVELATION That’s Shaking Up the Biden Family Investigation, You Need To See This

Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have written a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg requesting information on the social media company’s decision to censor reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020.

The senators are investigating alleged corruption involving the Biden family and believe that Facebook’s suppression of the story was inappropriate. In the letter, the senators also raise questions about the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) involvement in the censorship, claiming that the FBI instructed employees not to examine the laptop and potentially used Facebook to discredit information about Hunter Biden.

Grassley and Johnson argue that the American people deserve clarity on the matter.

The story surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop has been a source of controversy since its release in 2020. Despite initial claims that the information on the laptop was Russian disinformation, mainstream media outlets have now admitted that the information is real.

Recent reports have further fueled speculation about the Biden family’s potential conflicts of interest, as former business partners and assistants at Hunter Biden’s investment firm visited the White House more than 80 times during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president.

The senators are seeking answers and transparency on this matter and believe that Facebook’s decision to censor reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop may have been part of a broader plan to suppress information about the Biden family’s alleged corruption.
