The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals a disastrous economic outlook for America under President Biden’s leadership. With a record 40% of Americans reporting that their financial situation has worsened since Biden took office, it’s clear that the economy is taking a severe toll on his approval.
This is the highest percentage recorded in 37 years of ABC News/Washington Post polls and the highest number recorded in nearly 36 years of ABC/Washington Post polls.
In contrast, only 16% of respondents in the ABC/Washington Post poll reported being better off under Biden’s administration. The poll also revealed that 60% of self-identified Democratic adults do not wish for Biden to secure the nomination for the presidential race. On the other hand, approximately half of Republicans also expressed disinterest in a potential nomination of former President Trump.
Despite the unfavorable prospects for both candidates, the poll suggests that if the election were to take place today, Trump would receive 48% of the vote while Biden would secure 44%. Among registered voters, the numbers are slightly different, with Trump receiving 48% and Biden receiving 45%.
Throughout 2022, President Biden’s approval rating saw a steady decline due to record high inflation. This was reflected in various polls leading up to the midterms, which showed that voters had more trust in Republicans to effectively manage the economy and inflation. In August, an ABC News/Ipsos poll recorded the highest level of economic pessimism since 2008.
Biden’s term has been plagued with mishaps, the most recent being the incident with the Chinese spy balloon. Former Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army and retired four-star General Jack Keane criticized Biden for not taking action against the Chinese spy balloon that had flown over the U.S. and was finally shot down.
“We had plenty of opportunity to take it down then,” said Keane. “And that’s when it should have happened. We had to be tracking it from mainland China across the Pacific Ocean, and we had plenty of warning to put together an operation that we are conducting now on the east coast that should have been done there.”
It’s time for passionate Republicans to stand up and fight against the disastrous policies of the Biden administration and reclaim America’s prosperity.