The Truth Behind the Chinese Spy Balloon: Republicans Uncover Biden Administration’s Shocking Failure

President Joe Biden’s delayed response to the recent Chinese spy balloon hovering over the United States has sparked outrage among Republicans. The President waited three days to take action after the media was alerted of the balloon’s presence, despite reports that he knew about the threat for months.

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) has been one of the most vocal Republicans calling for Biden’s resignation, stating that the mishandling of the spy balloon confirms that Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are not suitable for their roles.

Republicans argue that Biden’s open border policies are causing major threats to national security and that when a domestic attack occurs, the President will not know how to adequately respond.


  • President Joe Biden delayed his response to the Chinese spy balloon hovering over the U.S.
  • Republicans are calling for Biden’s resignation due to the mishandling of the situation.
  • Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) has been one of the most vocal Republicans calling for Biden’s resignation.
  • Republicans argue that Biden’s open border policies are causing major threats to national security.
  • The U.S. fighter jet finally shot down the surveillance balloon just off the coast of South Carolina.

President Biden’s delayed response to the Chinese spy balloon crisis is unacceptable and raises serious questions about his ability to lead and protect the American people.

Republicans are calling for the resignation of the President and Vice President due to their mishandling of national security threats. Biden’s open border policies are a major cause for concern and threaten the safety of the American people. Republicans believe that it is time for responsible and capable leadership to take the reins and ensure the protection of the American people.