Donald Trump is leading the 2024 GOP primary race, according to a recent poll.
The survey found that Trump has a commanding 28-point lead over Governor Ron DeSantis, with 54% of potential Republican primary voters supporting the former President compared to only 26% for DeSantis.
The survey also revealed that DeSantis is the second choice for 46% of those supporting Trump, while 43% of DeSantis’ supporters view Trump as their backup option.
Additionally, a larger percentage of Trump supporters (17%) were unsure of their second choice, compared to DeSantis’ supporters (5%). These numbers are crucial in testing electability, a vital issue in party primaries.
The GOP must decide whether to focus on expanding its base or maintaining Trump’s coalition, with concerns about his baggage and whether he can win a general election.
The Morning Consult surveys are tracking the Republican primary electorate’s views of Trump and other potential candidates, as well as how he fares with the wider electorate.
The latest survey shows that in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up, Biden has a 3-point lead over Trump and a 2-point lead over DeSantis.
Notably, DeSantis has not had an advantage over Biden since the beginning of the month, which contrasts with previous surveys conducted since December.
Overall, the poll numbers suggest that Trump remains a dominant force in the Republican Party, with a strong showing among the base.
However, electability will be a critical issue in the primary, and the GOP must decide how to balance maintaining Trump’s coalition with expanding its base.