Who’s Caught In A Web Of LIES?, You Won’t Believe It!

Allegations of corruption in the Biden family’s dealings with Ukraine have led to accusations against National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Sullivan has denied any involvement in any corrupt influence-peddling operation with the Biden family.

Former White House stenographer Mike McCormic has claimed that the Biden family, including President Biden himself, conducted malfeasance in office to enrich themselves. McCormic has filed a tip to the FBI claiming that he has evidence of these allegations, and he is willing to testify before a Delaware grand jury.

The accusations arise from conversations among the Biden family and Sullivan in 2014, before Biden’s son Hunter joined the board of a Ukrainian gas company. Sullivan allegedly spoke about giving aid to the Ukrainian national gas industry just days after Hunter joined the board, leading McCormic to believe that Sullivan was involved in a corrupt influence-peddling conspiracy.

source https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jake-sullivan-denies-role-biden-familys-alleged-corrupt-influence-peddling-operation-ukraine