You’ll Be Shocked To Know what happened at a recent White House state dinner.

The recent controversy surrounding Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has raised concerns about the White House’s policy on family members attending state dinners.

Last week, Hunter Biden was listed among the guests invited to a White House state dinner, just days after his agreement to plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax became public. It has also been reported that he has been allowed to avoid prosecution on a felony gun charge.

While it is not uncommon for presidents to invite family members to White House functions, many are questioning whether any additional guardrails were put in place given the circumstances. Reporters asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre if the president communicated to his family members not to conduct business on White House grounds and if any ethical guidelines were in place.

Jean-Pierre declined to answer the question, citing an ongoing Department of Justice investigation. However, she emphasized that the administration has been transparent and has implemented strict rules when it comes to ethics. She stated that the president and his staff are held to a strict course of action.

Despite the lack of a direct response, the questions raised about the White House policy on family members attending state dinners are valid. Transparency and ethical conduct should be a priority for any administration, regardless of political affiliation.

Republicans have long criticized the lack of transparency and ethical standards in the Biden administration, and this incident only adds fuel to the fire.

It is essential that the American people have confidence in their government and its leaders. This can only be achieved through transparency, accountability, and adherence to ethical guidelines. The Biden administration must address these concerns and provide clear answers to the questions raised about the president’s family members’ involvement in White House functions.

As Republican voters, it is our duty to hold our elected officials accountable and demand transparency and ethical conduct from our leaders. This incident highlights the need for continued scrutiny and vigilance in ensuring that our government operates with integrity.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s attendance at a White House state dinner raises legitimate questions about the administration’s policy on family members attending such events.

Republicans must remain committed to upholding ethical standards and holding our elected officials accountable. The American people deserve a government that operates with transparency and integrity.

Source Fox News