You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who Dominates The Drone Market

In a groundbreaking move to secure our nation’s interests, legislation is making its way through the House, aiming to allocate millions of dollars for the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in drone technology. The objective? To ensure that the United States maintains its position as a global leader, leaving China in our dust.

Championed by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Chairman Frank Lucas, a dedicated representative from Oklahoma, spearheads this critical initiative.

His bill, known as the National Drone and Advanced Air Mobility Research and Development Act, seeks to provide approximately $1.6 billion in research funding over the next five years to empower American drone manufacturers.

Lucas is deeply concerned that China is on the verge of monopolizing the drone market. He explains, “To say China has cornered this market is an understatement. One single company, with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army, produces 80% of the recreational drones used in the U.S.”

The bill aims to address this worrisome scenario, as nearly 90% of local and regional public safety agencies in America currently rely on Chinese-made unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The issue lies not only in potential data tracking but also in the threat this dependency poses to our national security.

The legislation grants new authority to esteemed organizations such as NASA, the Department of Homeland Security, and various scientific agencies to award grant funding for drone research and advanced air mobility. Moreover, these agencies will be directed to explore the ways in which AI and machine learning can enhance drone capabilities.

Dr. Jamey Jacob, the executive director of the Oklahoma Aerospace Institute for Research and Education, states that the competition between the U.S. and China in the drone technology sector is intense. He believes the U.S. still holds the upper hand in AI development concerning algorithms but acknowledges that China has surged ahead in producing affordable consumer-level drone technology.

While the U.S. possesses superior high-end UAS technology, China is rapidly closing in on our advancements. The implementation of AI in drones is not merely a future prospect—it is already a reality. Current drones, both American and Chinese, integrate AI components capable of receiving visual input to avoid collisions with obstacles such as trees.

However, the true power of AI lies in its potential to enable drones to navigate hostile environments where GPS navigation is restricted or disrupted. Imagine the ability to outmaneuver adversaries in GPS-denied zones. This technology can save lives and secure our national interests.

The Pentagon has expressed its commitment to utilizing AI to assist humans in making better military decisions. Nevertheless, discussions are underway regarding the possibility of granting drones the autonomy to decide when to deploy weaponry. Dr. Jacob asserts, “We know it’s going to be possible, and it’s going to happen. We are going to have drones and AI-driven autopilot systems capable of making decisions quicker than humans.”

The approval of Chairman Lucas’s bill by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology with a unanimous vote of 36-0 sends a strong signal that both Republicans and Democrats support bolstering drone research and advanced air mobility. There is hope that this bill will progress to a floor vote later this year, symbolizing a united front in safeguarding our nation’s future.

Source Fox News