You’ll NEVER Guess What Rep. French Hill Thinks of Biden’s Economic Policies

Republican Representative French Hill of Arkansas recently spoke out against the Biden administration’s excessive spending and discussed the GOP’s plans to tackle the debt ceiling. Rep. Hill called out President Biden, labeling him an economic illiterate.


Many Republicans are concerned about the Biden administration’s spending policies, which include trillions of dollars in spending on everything from infrastructure to social programs. While the administration claims these policies will help boost the economy, there are fears that they could ultimately lead to inflation and economic stagnation.

According to Rep. Hill, the GOP has a plan to tackle the debt ceiling and prevent the country from going into default. He argues that the Democrats’ excessive spending has put the country in a precarious financial position, and the GOP is working to ensure that our nation remains financially stable.

As Republicans, we must continue to monitor the Biden administration’s spending and push for responsible economic policies that prioritize the interests of all Americans.
