Another bombshell emerges in an FBI document.

In a stunning display of hostility, President Biden responded angrily to a reporter who dared to ask about his involvement in a criminal bribery scheme. The New York Post reporter, Steven Nelson, pressed Biden on why the FBI document referred to him as “the Big Guy.”

Instead of addressing the question with honesty and transparency, Biden resorted to name-calling and dismissed the inquiry as a “dumb question.” This incident raises serious concerns about the President’s credibility and willingness to be held accountable.

According to a confidential source familiar with the FBI-generated FD-1023 form, a shocking revelation came to light. The source revealed that Biden, during his tenure as vice president, received a jaw-dropping $5 million payment from an executive of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas firm where his son Hunter Biden served on the board.

The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, details multiple meetings and conversations between the source and a top Burisma executive from 2015 onwards.

Although Fox News Digital hasn’t seen the form directly, multiple reliable sources have confirmed its contents. Astonishingly, the White House has repeatedly dismissed these allegations as false, raising further doubts about their commitment to transparency.

Critics argue that the FD-1023 form is a crucial piece of evidence that cannot be easily ignored. While it is true that the form records unverified reporting from confidential human sources, it is also vital to note that the document’s existence does not automatically validate its contents.

The reference to “the Big Guy” in the document points directly to President Biden, further complicating the situation. The Burisma executive allegedly informed the confidential source that he did not directly pay the Big Guy.

These revelations have prompted the House Oversight Committee to subpoena the FD-1023 document, signaling a deeper investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings.

Despite the mounting evidence, the White House continues to deflect and deny any involvement by President Biden in his son’s business affairs. They maintain that the President has never discussed these matters with Hunter Biden, which begs the question of how such lucrative deals could have transpired without his knowledge or influence.

The American people deserve answers. Transparency is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy, and the Biden administration must be held accountable for its actions.

As Republican voters, we must continue to demand the truth and insist on a thorough investigation into the Biden bribery scandal. Our nation’s integrity is at stake, and we must not rest until justice is served.

Stay tuned for more updates as this story unfolds. We will continue to bring you the latest developments on the Biden bribery scandal, keeping you informed and empowered to make your voice heard.

Source Fox News