Not a Fan of Joe Biden? Wait Till You Hear THIS…

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) is investigating the financial ties between the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Biden Center, particularly concerning potential foreign funding. The investigation also explores the legal relationship between the entities and questionable investments held by the university.


The timing of the Penn Biden Center’s creation and increased foreign investment in the university raises suspicions.

The GOP letter seeks information on the legal relationship between the university and the center, as well as details on university investments in restricted entities.

Joe Biden received about $900,000 during his two years at the Penn Biden Center.

Classified documents from Biden’s time as vice president were found in a locked closet at the center.

Republicans demand a response from university officials by March 28, addressing divestment efforts and the relationship between the university and the center.

As conservatives, we must be vigilant in holding our leaders accountable, regardless of their political affiliation. This investigation may reveal potential conflicts of interest involving President Biden and foreign entities. Transparency is crucial to maintaining trust in our political system, and we must ensure that our leaders are not influenced by foreign interests.