Shocking Revelations about a Government Agency’s Alleged Mission Creep

In a bombshell report obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, the House Weaponization Subcommittee has exposed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for its alleged role in censoring Americans during the Biden administration.

Led by Chairman Jim Jordan, the committee has unearthed shocking evidence of CISA’s collusion with Big Tech and government-funded intermediaries to stifle free speech.

The report reveals that CISA, originally established to protect critical infrastructure and combat cyber threats, has morphed into a domestic surveillance and censorship powerhouse. CISA expanded its mission to include monitoring all forms of “disinformation,” even targeting American citizens’ speech.

This overreach violates the fundamental principles enshrined in the First Amendment and undermines the rights of every American.

One particularly disturbing aspect highlighted in the report is CISA’s focus on “malformation.” They define malformation as factual information provided without “adequate context” determined by the government. Essentially, CISA wants to dictate what information is acceptable for public consumption, a clear infringement on our freedom of thought and expression.

The committee also discovered that CISA utilized its connections with Big Tech and government-funded organizations to censor content indirectly. CISA-funded entities created reporting portals that funneled “misinformation” reports directly to social media platforms, effectively bypassing the constitutional prohibition against government-induced censorship.

Furthermore, the report sheds light on CISA’s attempts to cover up its unconstitutional activities. They scrubbed their website of any references to domestic “misinformation” and “disinformation,” hoping to conceal their actions from public scrutiny. Such deceptive practices have no place in our government agencies and further erode trust in our democratic institutions.

Chairman Jordan and his committee have made a vital contribution to the fight against Big Tech censorship and the preservation of our constitutional rights. They have subpoenaed the CEOs of major tech companies to gather crucial records on collusion with the Biden administration to suppress conservative voices.

Their commitment to exposing the truth is commendable and necessary to ensure a fair and free discourse in our society.

It is important to note that CISA denies all allegations of censorship and collusion, claiming they have never stifled free speech. However, the evidence uncovered by Chairman Jordan’s committee paints a different picture. CISA must be held accountable for its actions, and the American people deserve full transparency regarding its role in censoring and surveilling our online activities.

This groundbreaking report should serve as a wake-up call to every American who values their constitutional rights. The erosion of free speech and government overreach must be challenged and resisted at every turn.

Chairman Jordan and his committee have taken a crucial step in exposing the truth, but our fight is far from over. We must remain vigilant and ensure that the voices of every American, regardless of their political beliefs, are heard loud and clear.

Brooke Singman is a Fox News Digital politics reporter. You can reach her at or @BrookeSingman on Twitter. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

Source Fox News