Shocking revelations about a well-known public figure.

The Wall Street Journal editorial page has delivered a blistering critique of former President Donald Trump, labeling him as “The Self-Destructive Donald Trump.” Their scathing assessment highlights the concerns over the Justice Department’s handling of prosecutorial power, indicating that if Trump were to become the GOP nominee, his chances of defeating Joe Biden would be slim.

Furthermore, they argue that even if Trump were to secure a second term, his inability to control himself and his preoccupation with grievance and retribution would hinder his ability to deliver the conservative policy victories that Republicans desire.

It’s astonishing to witness how some conservatives, including rival candidates, have shifted their stance on the Trump indictment. While many remain loyal to Trump, a significant portion of the GOP has grown more critical since the unsealing of the indictment. The once-taboo topic of Republican criticism of Trump has become a topic of discussion, signaling a seismic shift in the political landscape.

Prominent figures within the party, such as Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis, have expressed serious concerns about the allegations presented in the indictment. Pence, after reading the indictment, admitted his inability to defend what was alleged.

DeSantis even went as far as saying that he would have faced court-martial if he had committed similar acts during his time in the Navy. Nikki Haley, while acknowledging the potential dangers to national security, suggested that she would be inclined to pardon Trump if elected.

The Trump team, in an attempt to slow down the prosecution, could utilize various strategies. They might seek to shut down the case if Trump were back in the White House or obtain a pardon from another Republican president.

Trump’s lawyers could request the dismissal of the case, exclude certain notes quoting the former president, or pursue appeals. The involvement of a Trump-appointed judge, Aileen Cannon, in the Florida case could introduce further delays.

While Trump is facing criticism from some on the right, it is essential to remember that the media has repeatedly predicted his downfall, only to witness him emerge unscathed. Despite the current wave of bad-mouthing, Trump has consistently overcome challenges in the past.

The Trump indictment has undoubtedly triggered a significant shift in the political landscape, with conservatives engaging in a more critical discourse on the matter. As the legal proceedings unfold, it remains to be seen how this case will impact Trump’s political future and the Republican Party as a whole.

Source Fox News