The EXPLOSIVE Testimonies About NYC’s Criminal Justice System, This Will Leave You Speechless

Have you heard about the latest controversy surrounding Soros-backed district attorneys? They have been accused of failing to uphold the law and allowing violent criminals to roam free.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Republican Representative Matt Gaetz spoke out about their dangerous actions.

The hearing focused on the crime crisis in New York City and highlighted the dangers of Soros-funded DAs, who appear to be weakening the law in cities across America. Brave New Yorkers testified during the hearing, explaining how their pleas for justice were ignored and how dangerous the city has become.

Soros is allegedly putting up to $40 million to elect 75 DAs to downgrade violent crimes. Gaetz believes that such actions only serve to weaken the law and put Americans at risk.

The Republican Party is committed to keeping a watchful eye on this issue and ensuring that the law is upheld in cities across America.
