Trump SLAMS Biden’s Silent Treatment on Hawaii Crisis: You Won’t Believe His Words

In a recent TruthSocial video, former President Trump expressed his deep concern and sympathy for the people of Hawaii, particularly those affected by the devastating wildfires in Maui. Trump’s compassion was evident as he conveyed his warmest regards to the victims of this tragedy. However, his sympathy was juxtaposed with his sharp criticism of President Biden’s “”no comment”” response to the situation.

Trump highlighted the severity of the wildfires, emphasizing the unprecedented nature of the disaster. He lamented the significant loss of life and property, stating that the aftermath of the event was being handled poorly. Trump criticized the Hawaii Governor, Josh Green, for attributing the disaster to global warming rather than addressing the immediate concerns of the affected population.

The former President’s most scathing remarks were reserved for Biden. Trump expressed his disbelief and disappointment at Biden’s lack of comment on the tragedy, especially given the gravity of the situation. He found Biden’s demeanor, particularly his smile when saying “”no comment,”” to be “”absolutely horrible and unacceptable.””

Source Fox News