What They’re Not Telling You About The Battle For Democracy

Our great nation is teetering on the edge of a perilous precipice, my fellow Republicans. The puppet regime of President Joe Biden is leading us down a treacherous path, where our democracy hangs in the balance. If we allow this charade to continue for another four years, irreversible changes will be made, locking in partisan agendas and suppressing the voice of the people.

As a former member of Congress, I have always believed that elections hold the key to restoring liberty and prosperity in America. However, under the false pretense of “saving our democracy,” the Biden administration has actually undermined representative government.

In my latest book, “The Puppeteers: Unveiling the Strings Behind America’s Control,” I delve into the dark underbelly of this puppet regime. Federal agencies, public schools, professional organizations, unions, and scientific research institutions have all become mere pawns in the hands of the Democratic Party. I expose the puppeteers and reveal their insidious tactics to grow their power and implement disastrous policies.

President Biden’s speeches on saving democracy are rife with irony. His calls to action are anything but democratic. They seek to give the government more control over our lives, from dictating our car choices to influencing our investment decisions. They want to decide who gets hired based on their race and manipulate ballot collection efforts to favor their own party. These actions do not safeguard democracy; they merely secure Democratic majorities.

One stark example is Biden’s executive order in March 2021, where he instructed over 600 federal agencies to “get out the vote.” It is important to note that elections are primarily run by local governments, not the federal government. Yet, Biden’s order mandates federal agencies to target specific groups for voting, conveniently aligning with strong Democratic voting blocs.

The puppeteers behind the Biden administration are establishing mechanisms to ensure that power remains firmly in their grasp, regardless of the will of the voters. Even if a president from a different party is elected, dismantling their extensive programs could prove to be an uphill battle. They exploit rulemaking authority to force companies to adhere to progressive ideologies, suppress dissent, and engage in unwarranted surveillance.

These new rules mandate the hiring of ideologically aligned job candidates, outsource education curriculum development to teachers unions with specific political leanings, and reward federal contracts to those who toe the line of approved viewpoints.

To reclaim our great nation, we must recognize that we are engaged in a new kind of battle. Winning elections alone may no longer suffice, though it remains vital. We need to rally the support of states and state elected officials to challenge the unconstitutional power grabs of federal bureaucrats. In this fight for our constitutional rights, we must escalate our efforts at both the federal and state levels.

Let us join forces, my fellow Republicans, and rise up against the puppet regime of Joe Biden. Together, we can ensure that the voice of the people resonates loud and clear, safeguarding our democracy and preserving the principles that our great nation was built upon.

Source Fox News