You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who Joined Hunter’s Dinner

Welcome, fellow Republican voters! Today, we dive into a story that’s been making waves and setting off sparks of controversy. It’s about none other than Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s infamous spring 2015 dinner with foreign business associates.

In a recent closed-door interview with the House Oversight Committee, Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner, Devon Archer, spilled the beans. He confirmed what the Biden campaign repeatedly denied – that then-Vice President Joe Biden was present at the dinner. Can you believe it?

Archer revealed that Biden not only attended the dinner but also actively engaged with the attendees, including “”Vadym P. from Burisma.”” Remember the explosive story by the New York Post in 2020, where Hunter introduced his father to a top executive at Ukrainian energy firm Burisma? Well, that’s the dinner we’re talking about.

The Biden campaign and their close aides went all out to reject the story back then, claiming there was no such meeting. But now, Archer’s testimony proves otherwise. It’s like a real-life mystery unraveling before our eyes!

This revelation has reignited the debates about Hunter Biden’s questionable foreign business dealings and whether Joe Biden was aware of them. It’s no surprise that Biden’s defenders immediately labeled it as “”Russian disinformation.”” How convenient!

But wait, there’s more! An email from a couple of years ago suggests that Hunter himself confirmed his father’s attendance at the dinner. It seems like Biden’s campaign might have some explaining to do.

We’ve seen fact-checks and pushbacks from various sources, but the truth is now emerging, bit by bit. With more evidence piling up, it’s becoming harder for the Biden team to stick to their denials.

As passionate Republican voters, we can’t ignore such crucial information, especially when it involves the highest office in the land. Let’s stay vigilant and keep an eye on how this story unfolds. The truth should never be swept under the rug!

Source Fox News