You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who’s Accusing the White House

In what seems like yet another attempt to protect the Bidens, the White House is attacking House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer’s investigation into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. The accusations from the White House spokesperson Ian Sams seem to be an attempt to distract from the mounting evidence against the Bidens.

Comer has said that his committee has information suggesting that “10 or 12 Biden family members” were involved in efforts to “launder or hide” revenue from “Communist China and other countries around the world.” But instead of acknowledging any wrongdoing by the Bidens, the Left is attacking Comer for doing his job.

It’s time for the truth to come out about the Bidens’ corrupt dealings, and it’s clear that Comer is working hard to uncover it. Don’t let the Left distract from the facts – support Comer and demand accountability from the Bidens.

Source Fox News