You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who’s Behind This Recent Development

In a stunning revelation, former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan exposed the Biden administration’s true priorities when it comes to the border crisis. Homan, who served during the Trump administration and is now a Fox News contributor, asserted that President Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas are more concerned about how the crisis appears on television than how it is affecting American citizens.

Speaking on “The Story,” Homan made it clear that the administration’s primary focus is on optics rather than the actual crisis at hand. He stated, “[T]his is about the optics. They don’t want pictures of overcrowded facilities. That is all they’re concerned with – optics of the crisis, not concern of the crisis.”

Homan pointed out the hypocrisy of activists who condemned the Trump administration for the overcrowded facilities and the separation of children from their guardians during the immigration process. He emphasized that the Biden administration is deliberately downplaying the crisis to avoid negative media coverage.

While the Department of Homeland Security claims its messaging aims to counter smugglers’ lies about the border being open, Homan revealed that 70% of border patrol agents have already been pulled from the front lines due to the overwhelming number of migrants needing processing. As Title 42, a policy that allows for the rapid expulsion of illegal immigrants due to public health concerns, is expected to end soon, more agents will be redirected from border security to processing and releasing migrants. This shift in resources jeopardizes national security and puts Americans at risk.

Homan warned about the consequences of prioritizing optics over national security. He stated, “[This] means more fentanyl gets across, more migrants die, more women and children trafficked to the United States, more known suspected terrorists [crossing] the border.” The Biden administration’s neglect of the border crisis is a disservice to the American people.

Chad Wolf, former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security under Trump, joined Homan in criticizing the Biden administration’s lack of enforcement and the ineffective initiatives they have introduced. Wolf highlighted the multitude of exemptions and loopholes in the new asylum rule introduced by Mayorkas, rendering it ineffective in addressing the crisis.

The chaos at the border is a direct result of the Biden administration’s failure to implement a coherent strategy. Rather than proactively addressing the issue, they are scrambling for solutions as Title 42 expires.

The American people deserve better. The administration must prioritize the safety and security of American citizens over political optics. It’s time for President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to take decisive action to secure the border and protect our nation. Anything less is a betrayal of their duty to the American people.

Source Fox News