You’ll Be Shocked To Know Who’s facing a Federal lawsuit over private jet use.

In a stunning revelation, Americans for Public Trust (APT), a government watchdog group, has filed a federal lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for deliberately withholding records regarding Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s use of private government jets.

The lawsuit, obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, exposes the FAA’s blatant disregard for transparency and accountability.

According to APT, multiple requests for FAA records detailing the frequency and costs of Buttigieg’s use of government jets have been met with unwarranted delays.

Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of APT, condemned Buttigieg’s extravagant travel arrangements, asserting that he has abused taxpayer dollars by opting for luxurious private flights both domestically and internationally.

Despite exposing Buttigieg’s trips six months ago, the FAA has shamefully refused to disclose the financial burden placed on the American people.

Undeterred by the FAA’s stonewalling tactics, APT is taking legal action on behalf of concerned Americans who demand transparency. They assert that the FAA’s failure to comply with the law in releasing public records necessitates this lawsuit. It is crucial for citizens to know how their hard-earned money is being spent by the current administration.

The lawsuit highlights the FAA’s lack of responsiveness, as over 100 days have passed since the agency acknowledged APT’s information requests. The first request, filed in November, sought flight logs and passenger manifests for the FAA’s three jets.

The subsequent requests aimed to identify instances where White House officials, executive branch officials, and members of Congress utilized these jets. Astonishingly, the FAA has missed multiple deadlines it set for producing the requested records and has indefinitely delayed their release.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, federal agencies are obligated to provide requested records within specified timeframes. Failure to comply can lead to legal consequences. APT’s lawsuit seeks to compel the FAA to promptly disclose all relevant, non-exempt records and to fulfill its obligations under the law.

This lawsuit arrives on the heels of a Fox News Digital report that exposed Buttigieg’s use of taxpayer-funded private jets. The report, based on Buttigieg’s internal calendar obtained by APT, revealed that he had taken at least 18 flights between early 2021 and mid-2022.

Buttigieg’s excessive air travel raises questions about his commitment to environmental initiatives, as he advocates for sweeping climate measures while indulging in private jet use.

It is imperative that we hold our government officials accountable for their actions, especially when it involves the misuse of taxpayer funds. The lawsuit against the FAA sheds light on Buttigieg’s extravagant travel habits and his agency’s attempts to conceal the truth.

Americans deserve transparency, and APT’s fight for accountability will ensure that their voices are heard. The wheels of justice are turning, and the truth will prevail.

Stay tuned for updates on this developing story as APT continues its pursuit of truth and accountability in government.

Source Fox News